
  1. main product photo

    Summer Adventures

    Brunel Brown, Frances Foster

    Un percorso che accompagna i bambini nel ripasso della lingua inglese appresa durante l’anno scolastico. In ogni livello si incontrano nuovi amici, per vivere una vacanza nel mondo reale che, dalla classe seconda, permette di approfondire aspetti culturali e visitare città e Paesi di lingua inglese.

    Area Primaria
    Categoria Discipline lingue moderne
    Materia INGLESE - Vacanze
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    Tutti in vacanza con… Alice / Pinocchio / Mowgli / Simbad

    Clelia Tollot, Giuseppe Alessandri

    Per la prossima estate perché non pensare a un tuffo nel Paese delle Meraviglie insieme ad Alice? O a un’avventura nella giungla con Mowgli? I protagonisti dei grandi classici diventano amici con cui condividere i compiti delle vacanze, per un ripasso efficace e divertente.

    Area Primaria
    Categoria Parascolastica scuola primaria
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    Quaderno delle quattro grafie

    Il volume presenta ogni lettera nei quattro caratteri visualizzati parallelamente, così da aiutare il bambino a comprendere le proporzioni delle lettere. Può essere quindi un utile strumento per i bambini che hanno finito la classe prima: infatti permette loro di ripassare durante queste vacanze estive le lettere in tutte le loro rappresentazioni.

    Area Primaria
    Categoria Discipline umanistiche
    Materia LIBRO PER LE CLASSI 1-2-3
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    A più voci

    Antonella Capetti, Marta Vitali, Silvia Vecchini, Stefano Rossi

    Un sussidiario dei linguaggi che unisce letture tematiche, generi, tipologie e scrittura in un ambiente di apprendimento completo. La grammatica ha un approccio visuale che accompagna passo passo il bambino nell’acquisizione dei processi linguistici.

    Area Primaria
    Categoria Discipline umanistiche
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    GO Kids

    Brunel Brown, Frances Foster

    Un corso di inglese con una solida preparazione linguistica, sezioni dedicate all'INVALSI e una costante attenzione alle competenze trasversali e ai temi legati ai Global Goals dell'Agenda ONU 2030.

    Area Primaria
    Categoria Discipline lingue moderne
    Materia INGLESE - Corsi
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    Missione futuro

    Laura Fattori, Paola Gherardi, Stefano Rossi

    Un sussidiario che si apre all’oggi e si proietta nel futuro attraverso la conoscenza degli obiettivi globali per lo sviluppo sostenibile dell’Agenda 2030, agevola la comprensione del testo con mappe e attività dedicate e guida alla costruzione di un metodo di studio per padroneggiare ogni tipo di testo espositivo.

    Area Primaria
    Categoria Discipline umanistiche
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    Tre amici

    Alessandra Battaglia, Anna Lisa Massa, Barbara Urdanch, Giovanna Bellante, Laura Bonci, Lorena Riboldi, Maria Nella Caspani, Stefano Rossi

    Tre amici che vivono a contatto con la natura e curiosi del mondo che li circonda sono i personaggi che accompagnano i bambini in questo corso. Grazie anche all’uccellino Lino, che fa domande di logica e fa riflettere sulle emozioni, Tre amici propone un percorso di apprendimento che punta all’autonomia.


    Area Primaria
    Categoria Discipline umanistiche
    Materia LIBRO PER LE CLASSI 1-2-3
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    Peter and the Wolf

    Lynne Doherty Herndon

    Peter lives with his grandfather in a house next to a dark, dangerous forest. Peter’s grandfather tells him never to play near the forest because a hungry wolf lives there. What does Peter do? Does he see the wolf?

    Area Private Language Schools / Primaria
    Categoria Inglese / Discipline lingue moderne
    Materia Reading / INGLESE - Narrativa
  9. main product photo

    Avengers: Freaky Thor Day

    Bringing thrilling Super Hero action to the English classroom.

    Area Private Language Schools / Primaria
    Categoria Inglese / Discipline lingue moderne
    Materia Reading / INGLESE - Narrativa
  10. main product photo

    Avengers: Call for Backup

    Bringing thrilling Super Hero action to the English classroom.

    Area Private Language Schools / Primaria
    Categoria Inglese / Discipline lingue moderne
    Materia Reading / INGLESE - Narrativa
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    Up in the Air

    Marie Crook

    A hot air balloon is an aircraft. A helicopter moves in an interesting way. An A380 jet plane has 22 wheels. Let’s read and learn about flying...

    Area Private Language Schools / Primaria
    Categoria Inglese / Discipline lingue moderne
    Materia Reading / INGLESE - Narrativa
  12. main product photo

    Astronauts in Space

    Caroline Laidlaw

    From the earliest times, people have looked up at the stars, the moon and the planets, so now, we know more about them than we ever have. Today, people can train to be astronauts, work in space, or join a future mission to Mars. Did you know that the first astronauts were animals? That for astronauts working in space, the sun rises 15 times in 24 hours? Do you know how you might train to become an astronaut? Or where astronauts might explore next?

    Area Private Language Schools / Primaria
    Categoria Inglese / Discipline lingue moderne
    Materia Reading / INGLESE - Narrativa
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    The Velveteen Rabbit

    Audrey McIlvain

    Tim loves his toy rabbit and plays with it every day. Then Tim gets sick and his mom puts all his toys in the garden. Poor toy rabbit! Poor Tim! Does Tim find his toy rabbit again?

    Area Private Language Schools / Primaria
    Categoria Inglese / Discipline lingue moderne
    Materia Reading / INGLESE - Narrativa
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    Butterflies and Frogs

    Rachel Wilson

    Hannah is a scientist and she studies animals. She wants to show you two animals with amazing life cycles: a butterfly and a frog. The Peacock butterfly lives in Europe. The Red-eyed tree frog lives in the rainforests of Central and South America. Which one hibernates? Which one is nocturnal? Let’s take a look...

    Area Private Language Schools / Primaria
    Categoria Inglese / Discipline lingue moderne
    Materia Reading / INGLESE - Narrativa
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    The Princess and the Frog

    Marie Crook

    One day a princess loses her golden ball in a pond. A frog finds it for her and she promises to give him anything he wants. The frog wants to come into the palace with her but the princess is not happy about that. Does she keep her promise?

    Area Private Language Schools / Primaria
    Categoria Inglese / Discipline lingue moderne
    Materia Reading / INGLESE - Narrativa
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    The Emperor and the Nightingale

    Marie Crook

    The Emperor has everything he wants. One day he learns that there is a nightingale in his garden and he wants that too. What will he do?

    Area Private Language Schools / Primaria
    Categoria Inglese / Discipline lingue moderne
    Materia Reading / INGLESE - Narrativa
  17. main product photo

    Peter Pan

    Marie Crook

    Three children, Wendy, John and Michael fly off with Peter Pan and Tinkerbell to Neverland. Only children live in Neverland and, of course, the pirate Captain Hook. Do Wendy and her brothers like it there? Do they decide to stay?

    Area Private Language Schools / Primaria
    Categoria Inglese / Discipline lingue moderne
    Materia Reading / INGLESE - Narrativa
  18. main product photo

    The New Adventures of Tom Thumb

    Lynne Doherty Herndon

    Tom is as small as a thumb. He is so small he can ride on a butterfly. It takes him to a palace where he meets a princess. What do they do there? How does Tom help her?

    Area Private Language Schools / Primaria
    Categoria Inglese / Discipline lingue moderne
    Materia Reading / INGLESE - Narrativa
  19. main product photo

    A Christmas Carol

    David Hill

    It’s Christmas Eve. Scrooge is an old man who hates Christmas and loves work and money. He does not want to share Christmas with anyone. But then he is visited by four ghosts. Who are the ghosts? What do they say to Scrooge? What happens next?

    Area Private Language Schools / Primaria
    Categoria Inglese / Discipline lingue moderne
    Materia Reading / INGLESE - Narrativa
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    Good Day, Bad Day

    Paul Shipton

    Kerry is visiting her brother, Mike, for the first time in his new home. She sees a sign for a fortune teller. Mike doesn’t believe in fortune tellers, but he goes, too. What does Rosie say to him? And is she right?

    Area Private Language Schools / Secondaria di primo grado / Primaria
    Categoria Inglese / Discipline lingue moderne
    Materia Reading / INGLESE - Narrativa
  21. main product photo


    Georgina Swinburne

    A witch takes Rapunzel from her parents and keeps her at the top of a tall tower. There are no doors in the tower. Rapunzel is a prisoner. The witch climbs up Rapunzel’s long hair to come inside. How can Rapunzel get out?

    Area Private Language Schools / Primaria
    Categoria Inglese / Discipline lingue moderne
    Materia Reading / INGLESE - Narrativa
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    The Rainbow Serpent and Other Stories

    James Vance Marshal

    In an old Australian story, the Rainbow Serpent opened her eyes and looked at the young Earth. There were no animals or birds, no rivers or trees. Then a Man and a Woman came, and the Rainbow Serpent was their teacher. But what did she teach them? And did they listen?

    Area Private Language Schools / Secondaria di primo grado / Primaria
    Categoria Inglese / Discipline lingue moderne
    Materia Reading / INGLESE - Narrativa
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    Beauty and the Beast

    Fiona Kalinowski

    Beauty lives with her family on a farm. One day Beauty’s father visits a big house and meets a monster who is half man and half beast. He promises the Beast that he will take Beauty to live at the Beast’s house. Why does he do this?

    Area Private Language Schools / Primaria
    Categoria Inglese / Discipline lingue moderne
    Materia Reading / INGLESE - Narrativa
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    Goldilocks and the Three Bears

    Annie Hughes

    Three bears live in a small house. When they go for a walk, Goldilocks comes to the house. What does she do there? What happens next?

    Area Private Language Schools / Primaria
    Categoria Inglese / Discipline lingue moderne
    Materia Reading / INGLESE - Narrativa
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