Discipline lingue moderne
Act Smart
Giampiero Chiodini, Paul Kelly, Carla Worman
Rivolto a tutti gli studenti, Act Smart propone il giusto equilibrio tra grammatica, lessico, abilità e comunicazione; la giusta progressione dei contenuti; la giusta completezza dell’offerta. È il corso giusto per assicurare un insegnamento e un apprendimento efficaci della lingua inglese di tutti.
Area Secondaria di primo gradoCategoria Discipline lingue moderneMateria INGLESE - Corsi On Topic B1/B1+ with Entry Book
Your world, Your ideas, Your future
Philippa Bowen, Denis Delaney, Elizabeth Foody
Attraverso una ricca gamma di argomenti attuali, On Topic mira a fornire agli studenti gli strumenti linguistici necessari ad esprimere le proprie idee e a sviluppare le soft skills, le life skills e la citizenship utili per costruire il loro futuro dentro e fuori la scuola. Completa il corso l’Entry Book, un rapido riassunto della lingua chiave del livello L1 (A2/B1), che aiuta a passare da questo livello al secondo (L2).
Area Secondaria di primo gradoCategoria Discipline lingue moderneMateria INGLESE - CorsiiDiscover Premium
Elizabeth Foody, Liz Kilbey
Corso di lingua inglese per la Scuola Secondaria di Primo Grado che mira a colmare il gap tra l’inglese che si studia in classe e la lingua autentica, attraverso lezioni motivanti e innovative. L’edizione Premium è corredata dai fascicoli Reading for Citizenship, una Digital Library e una Interactive Easy Grammar.
Area Secondaria di primo gradoCategoria Discipline lingue moderneMateria INGLESE - CorsiiDiscover Smart
Elizabeth Foody, Liz Kilbey
Corso di lingua inglese per la Scuola Secondaria di Primo Grado che mira a colmare il gap tra l’inglese che si studia in classe e la lingua autentica e a rendere le lezioni di inglese motivanti e innovative grazie ad un approccio che si basa sulla scoperta e sul coinvolgimento attivo dello studente.
Area Secondaria di primo gradoCategoria Discipline lingue moderneMateria INGLESE - CorsiiDiscover
Elizabeth Foody, Liz Kilbey
Corso di lingua inglese per la Scuola Secondaria di Primo Grado che mira a colmare il gap tra l’inglese che si studia in classe e la lingua autentica e a rendere le lezioni di inglese motivanti e innovative grazie a un approccio che si basa sulla scoperta e sul coinvolgimento attivo dello studente.
Area Secondaria di primo gradoCategoria Discipline lingue moderneMateria INGLESE - CorsiRight on TARGET Smart
Giampiero Chiodini, Paul Kelly, Carla Worman
Edizione “agile” di Right on TARGET, con un percorso lineare, conciso e rigoroso, che mantiene tutte le caratteristiche di inter-connessione con il digitale, inclusione e integrazione delle diverse competenze per la preparazione all’esame di Stato e alla prova INVALSI.
Area Secondaria di primo gradoCategoria Discipline lingue moderneMateria INGLESE - CorsiRight on TARGET Premium
Giampiero Chiodini, Paul Kelly, Carla Worman
Edizione di Right on TARGET “arricchita” con gli opuscoli Right on Citizenship, che affrontano tematiche legate all’educazione civica e ai Global Goals dell’Agenda 2030, con un percorso di Thinking Routines per sviluppare il pensiero critico e la consapevolezza culturale.
Area Secondaria di primo gradoCategoria Discipline lingue moderneMateria INGLESE - CorsiKids for future
Jessica Smith, percorsi di Thinking Routines a cura di Mauro Spicci
Un volume unico su 3 livelli sui temi della cittadinanza globale, educazione civica e Global Goals dell’Agenda 2030, con percorsi di Thinking Routines per sviluppare il pensiero critico e la consapevolezza culturale.
Area Secondaria di primo gradoCategoria Discipline lingue moderneMateria INGLESE - CorsiExtreme Sports
Pearson English Readers - Level 2
Michael Dean
Up in the air! Down on the ground! Under the water! Extreme sports are new, exciting, and dangerous! Learn about extreme sports from aerial ballet to zorbing. Read about the crazy people who love extreme sports. Are extreme sports for you?
Area Secondaria di secondo grado / Private Language Schools / Secondaria di primo gradoCategoria Discipline lingue moderneMateria INGLESE - NarrativaGood Day, Bad Day
Pearson English Active Readers - Level EasyStart
Paul Shipton
Kerry is visiting her brother, Mike, for the first time in his new home. She sees a sign for a fortune teller. Mike doesn’t believe in fortune tellers, but he goes, too. What does Rosie say to him? And is she right?
Area Private Language Schools / Secondaria di primo grado / PrimariaCategoria Discipline lingue moderneMateria INGLESE - NarrativaMr. Bean in Town
Pearson English Readers - Level 2
In a restaurant, Mr. Bean doesn’t like his food. He tries to hide it in very strange places. At the laundromat, Mr. Bean loses his trousers. Two hilarious stories about Mr. Bean.
Area Private Language Schools / Secondaria di primo gradoCategoria Discipline lingue moderneMateria INGLESE - NarrativaDoctor Who: Mummy on the Orient Express
Pearson English Readers - Level 3
The Doctor and his companion, Clara, are on the most beautiful train in history, speeding past the stars of the future. But something terrible is killing the passengers. After you see the mummy, you only have 66 seconds. Then... You die!
Area Secondaria di secondo grado / Private Language Schools / Secondaria di primo gradoCategoria Discipline lingue moderneMateria INGLESE - NarrativaHeidi
Pearson English Readers - Level 2
Johanna Spyri
Heidi lives with her grandfather high in the mountains of Switzerland. One day, Heidi moves to Frankfurt. Can she go back to the mountains and the people she loves?
Area Private Language Schools / Secondaria di primo gradoCategoria Discipline lingue moderneMateria INGLESE - NarrativaDoctor Who: The Woman Who Lived
Pearson English Readers - Level 3
England, 1651. The Knightmare is a highwayman who is feared in the dark streets of London. With the help of a mysterious assistant, the Knightmare is searching for jewellery from another world and comes face to face with the Doctor.
Area Secondaria di secondo grado / Private Language Schools / Secondaria di primo gradoCategoria Discipline lingue moderneMateria INGLESE - NarrativaFive Plays for Today
Pearson English Readers - Level 2
Tonya Trappe
Paul is shy and Judy has no friends. Oliver is afraid of other boys. Jane and Leo can’t talk about their feelings, and Sue lies to her boyfriends. These five short plays tell the stories of young people with problems. Are there any answers? What do you think?
Area Private Language Schools / Secondaria di primo gradoCategoria Discipline lingue moderneMateria INGLESE - NarrativaDoctor Who: Face the Raven
Pearson English Readers - Level 3
The Doctor and Clara, with their friend Rigsy, find themselves in an alien world, on a street hidden in the heart of London. Inside there are some of the most frightening beings imaginable, and Ashildr! The visitors are faced with a death sentence.
Area Secondaria di secondo grado / Private Language Schools / Secondaria di primo gradoCategoria Discipline lingue moderneMateria INGLESE - NarrativaThe Amazon Rain Forest
Pearson English Readers - Level 2
Bernard Smith
The Amazon Rain Forest is the largest rain forest in the world. It is 10,000,000 years old and many different kinds of plants and animals live here. The forest is important for the world’s weather and wildlife, but it is disappearing fast. Read this book and learn about this wonderful forest and its problems. What will its future be?
Area Private Language Schools / Secondaria di primo gradoCategoria Discipline lingue moderneMateria INGLESE - NarrativaThe Haunted Boomerang
Pearson Password Readers - Level 1
Janet Harmer
During their Christmas holidays in the “red heart” of Australia, Penny and Bob set out to look for a very special boomerang that is missing from an Aboriginal museum near Ayers Rock. The situation gets serious and they get lost in the unfriendly Australian bush. There they meet Sel, a young Aborigine, and his grandfather who give them clues about the location of the boomerang. From then on their cultural holiday turns into an exciting adventure!
Area Secondaria di secondo grado / Private Language Schools / Secondaria di primo gradoCategoria Discipline lingue moderneMateria INGLESE - NarrativaThe Missing Coins
Pearson English Readers - Level 1
John Escott
Pete and Carla are students. One day they look at some very old coins and stamps in a shop. Later that day, some coins are missing and the shopkeeper wants to find Pete.
Area Private Language Schools / Secondaria di primo gradoCategoria Discipline lingue moderneMateria INGLESE - NarrativaDoctor Who: The Robot of Sherwood
Pearson English Readers - Level 2
In beautiful Sherwood Forest, the Doctor learns of the dangerous plan of robots from space. He doesn’t like Robin Hood, but has to work with him. Who is real and who is not? The Doctor wants to help the people of Nottingham, so he has to know.
Area Secondaria di secondo grado / Private Language Schools / Secondaria di primo gradoCategoria Discipline lingue moderneMateria INGLESE - NarrativaA Dangerous Game
Pearson Password Readers - Level 2
Alessandra Brunetti, Janet Harmer
Northern Ireland, 2000. Fiona is the 16-yearold captain of the ARG, a female rugby team taking part in a peace project. The project aims at uniting Protestant and Catholic students in sport. However, old and new conflicts emerge when Colin, an English boy, falls in love with Fiona. Will sport and friendship be able to overcome religious and political divisions?
Area Secondaria di secondo grado / Secondaria di primo gradoCategoria Discipline lingue moderneMateria INGLESE - NarrativaSurfer!
Pearson English Readers - Level 1
Paul Harvey
On the beach near Nick’s home there is a surfing competition with a big prize. Nick is a very good surfer. He wants to win the prize and go to Australia. But Nick’s father is not happy. Can Nick win the competition and go to Australia?
Area Private Language Schools / Secondaria di primo gradoCategoria Discipline lingue moderneMateria INGLESE - NarrativaThe Golden Seal
Pearson English Active Readers - Level 1
James Vance Marshal
One night, away from his family, Eric finds a golden seal. People want to shoot golden seals for their beautiful fur. Eric’s father is one of those men. A stranger arrives in a boat. What does he want? Eric loves the seal. He wants her to live. But what can he do?
Area Private Language Schools / Secondaria di primo grado / PrimariaCategoria Discipline lingue moderneMateria INGLESE - NarrativaThe Incredible Journey
Pearson English Active Readers - Level 3
Sheila Burnford
The country is wild and dangerous. Mountains are high, rivers run fast, and there are strange animals in the woods. But three family pets, two dogs and a cat, begin a long, long walk through western Canada. They miss their family and they are trying to get home. But will anyone see them again?
Area Private Language Schools / Secondaria di primo gradoCategoria Discipline lingue moderneMateria INGLESE - Narrativa