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Home Market Leader 3rd Edition
Market Leader 3rd Edition David Cotton, David Falvey, Simon Kent
Bring the real business world into your classroom.
Area Private Language Schools
Categoria Discipline lingue moderne
Materia INGLESE - Business and Vocational English
Richiedi copia saggio docente
ISBN: 9781292126081, 9781292126098, 9781292124582, 9781292361116
ISBN 9781292126081
Mkt Leader Elem Flexi CBk2 Pack @ ELT BOOK + DVD-ROM
ISBN 9781292126098
Market Leader 3E Elem Extra Class CDs AUDIO CD
ISBN 9781292124582
Market Leader Premium Edition - Elementary
ISBN 9781292361116
ISBN: 9781292126128, 9781292126135, 9781292124681, 9781292361161
Mkt Leader Pre-Int Flexi CBk1 Pack @ ELT BOOK + DVD-ROM
ISBN 9781292126128
Mkt Leader Pre-Int Flexi CBk2 Pack @ ELT BOOK + DVD-ROM
ISBN 9781292126135
Market Leader 3E Pre-Int Extra Class CDs AUDIO CD
ISBN 9781292124681
Market Leader Premium Edition - Pre-Intermediate
ISBN 9781292361161
ISBN: 9781292126104, 9781292126111, 9781292124636, 9781292361130
Mkt Leader Int Flexi CBk1 Pack @ ELT BOOK + DVD-ROM
ISBN 9781292126104
Mkt Leader Int Flexi CBk2 Pack @ ELT BOOK + DVD-ROM
ISBN 9781292126111
Market Leader 3E Int Extra Class CDs AUDIO CD
ISBN 9781292124636
Market Leader Premium Edition - Intermediate
ISBN 9781292361130
Upper Intermediate
ISBN: 9781292126142, 9781292126159, 9781408237106, 9781408219997, 9781292124735, 9781292361147
Mkt Leader Upp Int Flexi CBk1 Pack @ ELT BOOK + DVD-ROM
ISBN 9781292126142
Mkt Leader Upp Int Flexi CBk2 Pack @ ELT BOOK + DVD-ROM
ISBN 9781292126159
Market Leader 3E Upper Int Pract File + Cd Practice File w/ CD BOOK + CD
Autori David Cotton, David Falvey, Simon Kent
ISBN 9781408237106
Market Leader 3E Upper Int Test File Test File BOOK
Autori David Cotton, David Falvey, Simon Kent
ISBN 9781408219997
Market Leader 3E Upp Int Extra Class CDs AUDIO CD
ISBN 9781292124735
Market Leader Premium Edition - Upper Intermediate
ISBN 9781292361147
ISBN: 9781408237045, 9781408219638, 9781292124537, 9781292361086
Market Leader 3E Advanced Pract File + Cd Practice File w/ CD BOOK + AUDIO CD
Autori David Cotton, David Falvey, Simon Kent
ISBN 9781408237045
Market Leader 3E Advanced Test File Test File BOOK
Autori David Cotton, David Falvey, Simon Kent
ISBN 9781408219638
Market Leader 3E Advanced Extra Class Cds AUDIO CD
ISBN 9781292124537
Market Leader Premium Edition - Advanced
ISBN 9781292361086
Volumi digitali
ISBN: 9781292366517, 9781292358680, 9781292358697, 9781292358710, 9781292358703
Market Leader 3rd Ed Upper Intermediate Ebook + MEL ONLINE RESOURCES
ISBN 9781292366517
Market Leader 3rd Ed Advanced Ebook + MEL ONLINE RESOURCES
ISBN 9781292358680
Market Leader 3rd Ed Elementary Ebook + MEL ONLINE RESOURCES
ISBN 9781292358697
Market Leader 3rd Ed Preintermediate Ebook + MEL ONLINE RESOURCES
ISBN 9781292358710
Market Leader 3rd Ed Intermediate Ebook + MEL ONLINE RESOURCES
ISBN 9781292358703
The 3rd Edition of this ever-popular course combines new material with the features that have made it a best seller. The course includes reading texts from the Financial Times© and case studies which enable your students to use English in authentic business situations. After completing the case studies students are motivated to view the case study commentaries on the DVD-ROM that provide opinions from successful consultants who work in the real world of business. New Business Across Cultures spreads also focus on the cultural issues that they need to be aware of to be successful in today’s global business environment.
“We have been using Market Leader... for many years. Authentic business sources such as the Financial Times, informative interviews and interactive case studies make this course unique and enjoyable. In spring semester 2012 we started using Business English ActiveTeach, which provides software for interactive whiteboards. It has made the learning process much more exciting and student friendly.” Olena Tsyrkun, Kyiv National Economic University, Ukraine