A Potted History of Great Britain

Jane Cammack
Uncover the history of Great Britain. Find out about a warrior queen who fought the Romans and about Vikings who came in their long boats…
Area Secondaria di primo grado
Categoria Discipline lingue moderne
Materia INGLESE - Narrativa
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ISBN: 9788861611580


Read about Traitor’s Gate where prisoners came into the Tower of London and never went home. Learn about gunpowder and treason and the attempt to blow up the Houses of Parliament. Find out about the Industrial Revolution when children worked in factories from a very young age.

Read about Florence Nightingale who improved conditions in the hospital during the Crimean War. Discover how a king of England gave up the throne for the woman he loved and how people slept in the underground stations, when Hitler bombed London.

Read about the War Poets who wrote about their experience fighting in the First World War. Learn how the government sent city children to the countryside when the Second World War started. Learn more about the Young Royals today, who fly planes and have Facebook pages.