How to... Series

Dede Teeler, Evan Frendo, Gavin Dudeney, J.J. Wilson, Jeremy Harmer, Katie Head, Nicky Hockly, Peta Gray, Sally Burgess, Scott Thornbury
“Readers will find excellent materials both for reflection and new learning.” -
Area Private Language Schools
Categoria Inglese
Materia Risorse per l'insegnante
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Struttura unica

ISBN: 9780582779969, 9781405853095, 9781405853088, 9780582429673, 9780582339323, 9781405853101, 9780582429758, 9780582853591, 9780582429666, 9780582339316


This award-winning series of 10 books is designed to provide both theory and practical ideas on the key skills related to teaching English.

Every book has a Task files at the back to help you make the most of the materials you have read/listened to/watched.