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Discipline lingue moderne

  1. main product photo


    Maximus is a general in the Roman army. After his last battle he wants to return to his family. But the new Emperor Commodus hates Maximus, and kills his family. Soon Maximus is a prisoner, then a slave, and finally a gladiator. When Emperor Commodus joins Maximus in the arena they fight for their lives.

    Area Secondaria di secondo grado / Private Language Schools
    Categoria Inglese / Discipline lingue moderne
    Materia Reading / INGLESE - Narrativa
  2. main product photo

    A Scandal in Bohemia

    Arthur Conan Doyle

    All kinds of people, from shopkeepers to kings, want the help of Sherlock Holmes in these six stories about the adventures of the famous detective. Who put a diamond in a chicken? Why is there a club for men with red hair? How did the man at the lake die? Can Sherlock Holmes solve the mysteries?

    Area Secondaria di secondo grado / Private Language Schools
    Categoria Inglese / Discipline lingue moderne
    Materia Reading / INGLESE - Narrativa
  3. main product photo

    The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

    Mark Twain

    Tom Sawyer loves adventures. He has them at home, at school, and with his friends —Huck Finn, Joe Harper, and Becky Thatcher. Tom has one adventure in a graveyard, one in an old house, one in a cave. Who does he see in those places—and why is he afraid?
    Area Private Language Schools / Secondaria di primo grado
    Categoria Inglese / Discipline lingue moderne
    Materia Reading / INGLESE - Narrativa
  4. main product photo

    Sense and sensibility

    Jane Austen

    Elinor and Marianne Dashwood are two very different sisters. Marianne loves excitement and always shows her feelings; Elinor is quiet and has more good sense. They both fall in love and both suffer broken hearts. Will they ever find the right man to love and marry?

    Area Secondaria di secondo grado / Private Language Schools
    Categoria Inglese / Discipline lingue moderne
    Materia Reading / INGLESE - Narrativa
  5. main product photo

    Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde

    Robert Louis Stevenson

    Why is the frightening Mr Hyde a friend of the nice Dr Jekyll? Who is the evil little man? And why does he seem to have power over the doctor? After a terrible murder, everyone is looking for Mr Hyde. But he has disappeared. Or has he?

    Area Secondaria di secondo grado / Private Language Schools
    Categoria Inglese / Discipline lingue moderne
    Materia Reading / INGLESE - Narrativa
    Tipo Tutti tipi scuola 1° biennio
  6. main product photo

    The Canterbury Tales

    ‘We'll give a free dinner to the person who tells the best story. Now, put up your hands if you agree.' The pilgrims all held up their hands. A group of pilgrims are travelling together for five days from London to Canterbury. On the way, each pilgrim has to tell a story to keep the others amused. Some stories are happy, and some are sad. But they all have a message, and we can learn from them.

    Area Secondaria di secondo grado / Private Language Schools
    Categoria Inglese / Discipline lingue moderne
    Materia Reading / INGLESE - Narrativa
    Tipo Tutti tipi scuola 1° biennio
  7. main product photo

    Oliver Twist

    Oliver's mother dies when he is born and he is brought up in a workhouse. His first years are cold and lonely – and then he runs away to London. But he falls into the hands of Fagin and the terrifying Bill Sykes. They try to turn Oliver into a criminal. Will he escape to find a better life?

    Area Secondaria di secondo grado / Private Language Schools
    Categoria Inglese / Discipline lingue moderne
    Materia Reading / INGLESE - Narrativa
  8. main product photo

    Muhammad Ali

    Bernard Smith

    In 1974 two Black Americans fought in Zaire, in Africa. One was Muhammad Ali. After the fight, he was the boxing champion of the world — again. But why did a young boy from Kentucky start to box? Why did he stop boxing? And what is he doing now?
    Area Private Language Schools / Secondaria di primo grado
    Categoria Inglese / Discipline lingue moderne
    Materia Reading / INGLESE - Narrativa
  9. main product photo


    Othello is a popular soldier who is in love with his beautiful new wife. He also has good friends – like Iago, another soldier. So when Iago tells him terrible stories about his wife, Desdemona, who should Othello believe? Will jealousy destroy all their lives? This is one of William Shakespeare's greatest plays.

    Area Secondaria di secondo grado / Private Language Schools
    Categoria Inglese / Discipline lingue moderne
    Materia Reading / INGLESE - Narrativa
  10. main product photo


    Hamlet is the Prince of Denmark. His heart is filled with sadness and pain. Why? Only his two best friends, Horatio and Marcellus, know the true reason. The new king, Claudius, murdered Hamlet's father and married the young prince's mother. Will Hamlet be strong and brave enough to take revenge? Is he mad? Or does he have a secret plan?

    Area Secondaria di secondo grado / Private Language Schools
    Categoria Inglese / Discipline lingue moderne
    Materia Reading / INGLESE - Narrativa
  11. main product photo

    Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest

    Jack Sparrow, captain of the Black Pearl, is back in a new adventure. This time he, Will Turner, Elizabeth Swann, and Commodore Norrington are all looking for a chest that belongs to the terrible Captain Davy Jones. But Davy Jones has other plans for Jack Sparrow...

    Area Secondaria di secondo grado / Private Language Schools
    Categoria Inglese / Discipline lingue moderne
    Materia Reading / INGLESE - Narrativa
  12. main product photo

    Charles Dickens

    Charles Dickens è uno dei migliori scrittori britannici. Le sue storie sono conosciute in tutto il mondo da più di 150 anni. Attraverso la sua scrittura ha lottato per migliorare le condizioni di vita dei bambini e dei poveri, ma più di tutti, oggi, è ricordato per le sue fantastiche storie e i suoi indimenticabili personaggi.

    Area Secondaria di secondo grado / Private Language Schools
    Categoria Inglese / Discipline lingue moderne
    Materia Reading / INGLESE - Narrativa
  13. main product photo

    Crime Story Collection

    L'omicidio di un estraneo o di un parente, in una cittadina tranquilla o in un' affollata città americana. Accade dappertutto per qualsiasi ragione. Brevi racconti scritti da alcuni dei migliori moderni scrittori del crimine.

    Area Secondaria di secondo grado / Private Language Schools
    Categoria Inglese / Discipline lingue moderne
    Materia Reading / INGLESE - Narrativa
  14. main product photo

    Little Women

    The story of the four March sisters and their loves, problems and adventures is sometimes sad, often funny but always charming. Louisa May Alcott wrote Little Women in 1868. It is also a film starring Winona Ryder and Susan Sarandon.

    Area Private Language Schools / Secondaria di primo grado
    Categoria Inglese / Discipline lingue moderne
    Materia Reading / INGLESE - Narrativa
  15. main product photo

    Stories of Courage

    Otto storie ispirate alla vita reale di persone che hanno dimostrato grande coraggio di fronte a incredibili difficoltà. La vera storia di Erin Brockovich, la storia di un incredibile fuga dalla morte in Africa e quella del corridore più coraggioso di Cuba…. e molte altre ancora!

    Area Secondaria di secondo grado / Private Language Schools
    Categoria Inglese / Discipline lingue moderne
    Materia Reading / INGLESE - Narrativa
  16. main product photo

    The Crown

    Cos'è la corona e come mai è così importante per il popolo Inglese? Chi è William Angers? Questo mistero pieno di suspense, trova tutte le risposte in Seaburgh.

    Area Private Language Schools / Secondaria di primo grado
    Categoria Inglese / Discipline lingue moderne
    Materia Reading / INGLESE - Narrativa
  17. main product photo

    The Wrong Man

    A man wants to kill the Police Commissioner. But who is he? Can Steve Malone find the killer? He only has two days ... An Australian thriller told in cartoon form.

    Area Private Language Schools / Secondaria di primo grado
    Categoria Inglese / Discipline lingue moderne
    Materia Reading / INGLESE - Narrativa
  18. main product photo

    Theseus and the Minotaur

    Theseus is the son of Poseidon, the god of the sea, but he is the son of King Aegeus of Athenstoo. Every year the Minotaur eats people from Athens. Theseus is strong and angry, but he is only a young man. Can he kill the Minotaur?

    Area Private Language Schools / Secondaria di primo grado
    Categoria Inglese / Discipline lingue moderne
    Materia Reading / INGLESE - Narrativa
  19. main product photo

    Anne of Green Gables

    The Cuthberts ask the orphanage for a boy to help at their farm, but a little girl steps off the train. Anne causes chaos at Green Gables, but her good nature wins everyone's heart.

    Area Private Language Schools / Secondaria di primo grado
    Categoria Inglese / Discipline lingue moderne
    Materia Reading / INGLESE - Narrativa
  20. main product photo

    The Street Lawyer

    Michael is a successful lawyer with Drake and Sweeney. Then a homeless man attacks him. As Michael tries to discover who the man was, he uncovers a dangerous secret about Drake and Sweeney.

    Area Secondaria di secondo grado / Private Language Schools
    Categoria Inglese / Discipline lingue moderne
    Materia Reading / INGLESE - Narrativa
  21. main product photo

    Island for Sale

    Duncan McTavish vive in un castello situato su un' isola scozzese. Non ha soldi e deve pagare un grosso conto. C'è solo una soluzione – vendere la sua isola.

    Area Private Language Schools / Secondaria di primo grado
    Categoria Inglese / Discipline lingue moderne
    Materia Reading / INGLESE - Narrativa
  22. main product photo

    The Pearl

    Kino finds a large pearl, which he thinks will save his family from poverty. But the pearl is what they think they want instead of what they need. The misfortune it brings changes the life of the family forever.

    Area Secondaria di secondo grado / Private Language Schools
    Categoria Inglese / Discipline lingue moderne
    Materia Reading / INGLESE - Narrativa
  23. main product photo

    Nelson Mandela

    La storia di un uomo che ha lottato per la libertà e l'indipendenza del popolo africano. La storia straordinaria di un grande uomo, un combattente della libertà e uno dei più importanti leader del mondo.

    Area Private Language Schools / Secondaria di primo grado
    Categoria Inglese / Discipline lingue moderne
    Materia Reading / INGLESE - Narrativa
  24. main product photo

    Mysteries of the Unexplained

    Le cose più strane che succedono nell'universo - altri mondi, oggetti strani e insoliti avvenimenti. Quanto ci credi? Guarda l'evidenza e decidi tu!

    Area Secondaria di secondo grado / Private Language Schools
    Categoria Inglese / Discipline lingue moderne
    Materia Reading / INGLESE - Narrativa
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